Budi savršena uz Wabi-sabi šalice - Be Perfect with Wabi-Sabi Cups

Budi savršena uz Wabi-sabi šalice - Be Perfect with Wabi-Sabi Cups

Kako biti savršena uz Wabi-sabi šalice? Čekaj. Što je uopće Wabi-sabi?

Wabi-sabi je prihvaćanje stalne i nesavršene prirode svega. Kako se to uklapa u ove moje šalice? 

Većinu svog života sam išla na različite aktivnosti kao što je sport, zbor i glazbena škola. Moram li pričati koliko je bilo bitno pogoditi točno određeni ton, bilo u pjevanju ili sviranju. 

Htjela sam slikati. Moram li pričati kako se očekivalo da linije budu povučene i da se ne prelaze.

Na kraju, takvo razmišljanje se prenese i u ostatak tvog života. Sve mora biti savršeno, sve mora biti pod konac. 

Ne bi to bilo loše da dan traje 24 h i da to-do lista nema kraja. 

Frustracija se samo nakupljala, ali ne dovoljno da pustim taj perfekcionistički dio sebe.


Nakon nekog vremena sam se krenula baviti keramikom, a keramika je jako specifična. 

Sam proces je dugotrajan i neizvjestan. Pri prvom sušenju na zraku, glina se zna nekad malo izvitoperit. Pri prvom paljenju u peći, glina se može opet malo izvitoperit. Pri drugom paljenju, glina se može opet malo izvitoperit. Da ne pričam da u bilo kojem trenutku može puknuti. 

To me naučilo da prihvatim glinu da se namjesti kako želi, a to me pak naučilo da prihvatim sebe takvu nesavršenu. Da sam dovoljna, da je dovoljno, da ne moram sve sama i da ni ne trebam sve sama. 

Isto tako i ti. Dovoljna si i savršena takva kakva jesi. Ne treba ti ništa dodati ni oduzeti. Zato naruči svoju wabi-sabi šalicu koja će te svaki dan na to podsjećati. 

Savršena si ✨




How to be Perfect with Wabi-sabi Cups? Wait. What is Wabi-sabi anyway?

Wabi-sabi is the acceptance of the transient and imperfect nature of everything. How does this fit into my cups?

Most of my life, I participated in various activities such as sports, choir, and music school. Do I need to explain how important it was to hit the exact note, whether singing or playing an instrument?

I wanted to paint. Do I need to explain how it was expected that the lines be straight and not crossed?

In the end, such thinking transfers to the rest of your life. Everything has to be perfect, everything has to be just right.

That wouldn't be so bad if the day lasted 24 hours and the to-do list was endless.

Frustration just kept building, but not enough to let go of that perfectionist part of myself.

After some time, I started working with ceramics, and ceramics is very specific.

The process itself is lengthy and uncertain. During the first air drying, the clay can sometimes warp a little. During the first firing in the kiln, the clay can warp again. During the second firing, the clay can warp once more. Not to mention that at any moment, it can crack.

This taught me to accept the clay as it wants to shape itself, which in turn taught me to accept my own imperfections. That I am enough, that it's enough, that I don't have to do everything alone and I don't even need to.

The same goes for you. You are enough and perfect just as you are. Nothing needs to be added or taken away. So, order your Wabi-sabi cup that will remind you of this every day. You are perfect! ✨


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